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  1. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day 2012 OCT

    Last one will be this month. Are you ready?
  2. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day 2012 July

    Yes another Turkey day as rolled up to us like a frozen turkey should. What are you thinking about to help your Thanksgiving Celebration be stressless? I have my menu and shopping list ready. I'm not one to change the menu much so that's easy for me. I find decorating the table is harder.
  3. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day 2012 April

    This year is just flying by so very fast that Thanksgiving will be upon us before we know. Do something to take the stress out of preparing for Thanksgiving.
  4. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day 2012 February

    Yes, it's that time again. Now is the time to plan out what you are doing for Thanksgiving. Do you have your menu outlined? Or do you need to be fixing a dish to bring to someone's house? Do you have enough pots, pans and serving pieces or do you need to be on the look out for something? Think...
  5. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day 2012-January

    Oh my I missed Turkey Day. IDEA: Add turkey to your menu at least once a month. I need to review my notebook to be sure I printed off my notes from Thanksgiving. No, just grabed my book. I do not have them printed. They are on my computer so I'll print them this morning. I made notes on...
  6. Ahorsesoul

    Thanksgiving Preparation Plans Here

    This one is from Ocean Spray. just hit the recipe tab or the get recipe here under the oops message
  7. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day for Nov 2011

    Everything Thanksgiving here. I love the cake for a meal. Would be fun to do.
  8. Ahorsesoul

    Give Thanks Advent Calendar
  9. Ahorsesoul

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in Canada. 2011

    Wishing all of you and your families and friends a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take photos!!!
  10. Ahorsesoul

    Oct Turkey Day 2011

    Starting this thread early for the Nov Thanksgiving folks. Everyone can put out some fall decorations today. Either Halloween or just plain fall. If you do lots of decorating just do a little each day so not to wear yourself out. Yes, it is time to get your Thanksgiving Day plans in to...
  11. Ahorsesoul

    7th Turkey Day August 2011

    Yes, another Turkey is going to be flying past. It's August so that means after this Turkey Day there are only TWO more Turkey days to do any planning. Remember to get this out fo the way so Thanksgiving does not overwhelm you. Thanksgiving Advent Calendar...
  12. Ahorsesoul

    6th Turkey Day July 2011

    Another Turkey Day! Only 3 more Turkey Days left to prepare. Here's some ideas
  13. Ahorsesoul

    6th Turkey Day- June 2011

    Just getting this month's Turkey Day started. Remember we are now OVER HALFWAY to Thanksgiving.
  14. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day leftovers: Freeze it or lose it today

    If you want to keep your leftovers use them or get ready to toss them tomorrow or Monday. Turkey does not keep long in the refrig but 3 to 4 days. Turkey gravy only 1 to 2 days. Mashed potatoes 3 to 4 days (remember they are not just potatoes in them--add eggs and some flour and fry patties for...
  15. Ahorsesoul

    Leftover Turkey, what are you making?

    Here are some ideas and please post your own.
  16. Ahorsesoul

    Name Place cards for Thanksgiving--2011

    Put in your notebook for next year. It's too late to start these this year.
  17. Ahorsesoul

    Thanksgiving Pizza
  18. Ahorsesoul

    Pumpkin Pie on a Stick
  19. Ahorsesoul

    Leftover Turkey Assignment

    Now is the time to gather together some leftover turkey recipes AND make your shopping list so you will have the items needed on hand for a quick dinner. My three for this year: I'm going to use Lisa's recipe with turkey instead of chicken...
  20. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Buying Tips